Giving you and your puppy the best start in life

Puppy School Classes

Modern, reward-based training techniques based on the science

Programmes that the puppy school runs:
Puppy School

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Welcome to Puppy School

At Puppy School, we pride ourselves on using modern, reward-based training techniques based on the science behind the behavior to achieve great results. In fully appreciating and understanding canine behavior, we work hard to make sure you and your puppy have the best possible life together.

Puppy School is rated as one of the best dog trainers in Dartford.

This comprehensive program has been carefully designed to take you through all the obedience basics giving you a good foundation for life with your new puppy.

Puppy School is founded by APBC registered behaviorist and author Gwen Bailey. Your tutors regularly attend seminars and conferences run by the leading trainers/behaviorists in order to keep up to date with the latest science behind animal behavior and training.

The puppy training exercises gradually progress from easy to more complex over a period of six weekly sessions lasting one hour. We help you to build on your puppy’s understanding and reliability each week.

We want to give your puppy the best start possible so we educate puppies to have good manners, to be friendly with adults, children, and other puppies, and to respond to basic commands.

Your experienced Puppy School Tutor will be on hand throughout the course to help you with any behavioural problems you may be experiencing. At the end of the six-week course, your puppy will graduate and receive a very special Puppy School rosette and certificate for completing the course.

Erith Veteran Club

  • Please contact me via email regarding classes.

  • Class dates are updated all the time if you don’t see a date on the list please reach out as I might have another class starting or you can join my wait list.

Places are limited to 6 puppies per class.

Click Below to read more about classes and book your space.

Puppy School

The comprehensive program has been carefully designed to take you through all the obedience basics giving you a good foundation for life with your new puppy or for any dog training sport you choose to do later.

Puppies need to begin classes between 12 - 20 weeks old so that they are all at a similar stage of development. Puppy School is a set of six puppy training classes lasting one hour.

You will learn how to teach your puppy to:
  • come when called

  • Sit, lie down, stand on command

  • Walk on a loose lead without pulling

  • Get used to being handled and examined by vets and groomers

  • 'Stay'

  • 'Settle'

  • 'Gentle’ (taking food from hands gently)

  • Accept people near food bowls, bones, and chews

  • Stop play biting

  • Socialise with adults, children, and other puppies attending class

  • Greet people appropriately without jumping up.

You can read more about puppy school on my website:


SuperPup Is here. Our new follow-on course from Puppy School. Do you want a SuperPup? A Puppy that chooses good deeds over chaos and mischief?

Learn how to bring our your puppy's inner superhero with Puppy School's 'SuperPup program'. Take your puppy's boundless energy and develop it into super skills for life. From sidekick to superhero in just 6 weeks!

Suitable for dogs from 21 weeks to 18 months.

In each session, we will show you fun ways to develop and utilize your puppy's superpowers and turn chaos into confidence and calm.

This course has a core of serious training exercises that will build on lessons you have learned in Puppy School and develop skills through a series of clever challenges. These exercises are powerful in their effect on relationships and communication between you and your puppy.

This course is for Puppies who have already been through Puppy School and have basic training. You still can do Superpup but you will need a basic level of training.

How To Train A SuperPup? here's what we will cover: 
  • SuperSpeed - Speedy Recalls. With this superpower, your puppy will be the fastest in the park!

  • Super Strength and Fitness - Simple doggy workouts and body maintenance.

  • Super Stealth and Stillness - Teach your superPup the skill of complete calmness. Sometimes stealth is required on a SuperPup mission!

  • Super Senses - Sharpen your superpup's senses, and build confidence. Teach your puppy to be brave and courageous!

  • Super Flexibility - On things over things, underthings. Fun ideas to improve your superpups flexibility.

  • Super Social - From the Avengers to the X-Men, no superhero is complete without a team. Learn to become your own superhero team with your puppy always by your side!

  • Socialisation Snakes and Ladders - Throughout the course, your Superpup will use the snakes and ladders game for special weekly missions.

Puppy School is proudly sponsored by Natures Menu.

Each Puppy School client now receives a Puppy School Manual containing all of the class notes as well some discount vouchers and a pack of treats from our sponsors, Natures Menu.

Age limit: Classes are for puppies up to the age of 20 weeks (at the beginning of the course). For older puppies and adult dogs please see our 121 training and Calm and Controlled course.